Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Currently October... better late than never!

Happy Fall, y'all!! Did we even have September? Sheesh. Went by so fast... but I love October! Cooler weather (at least in the mornings) and fun themes to teach with, too!

I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for this month's Currently linky party!

{Listening}: One of my favorite bands, Jars of Clay, released a new album recently and it is on sale at Amazon for $5 this week... amazing deal! Loving this song, "After the Fight", from this album.

{Loving}: I have never, in 5 years of teaching, had anywhere near this small of a class size... 20 students! It is so incredible. I can't believe all the things I can get done with this group of kiddos just because there is less of them in there. If only people in charge of hiring teachers realized how important this is... I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts! Last year I had 28!

{Thinking}: I am having the worst time ever getting ahead of myself. Everything is piling up at once... lesson plans with a brand new reading series, assessments and benchmark testing, conferences, meetings, life, etc etc etc! I feel like I need to take a day off.... to work some more! Ugh!

{Wanting}: To piggyback on my last statement... Fall break cannot come soon enough! Who's with me?

{Needing}: Parent Teacher Conferences begin next week, and there's so much I need to get put together before then. Gotta finish assessing and put together their work portfolios... and then attempt to organize the piles in my classroom into some semblance of order! Ha!

{Trick or Treat}: I have a TREAT for you... Spooky Sentence Building FREEBIE! I just made it tonight and posted it in my TPT store! It can be used as a pocket chart station and includes 4 Halloween-themed sentences for the students to build and write. Click on the picture below to grab it!

 photo spookycover_zpsd048094a.png


  1. 28 kindergarteners?! Bless your heart!! So glad you only have 20 this year. My school doesn't do Fall Break.. so I'm waiting for Thanksgiving Break. Blech. Enjoy yours, though. :)

    ~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog
