Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back in action...

PHEW! I haven't come around these parts in awhile, partly due to the fact that in the same week I moved into my own apartment AND started the first week of school! It was total craziness! I moved in on Sunday and I started school the next day. I couldn't find anything! I've taken a bunch of pictures of my classroom to share with you all, but I've gotta wait till I get my computer set up to get the pictures on here. I'm liking how I have it re-arranged; it's more of an open space than I had last year.

This first week of school only added to the craziness -- on the 3rd day of school, we found out that we had to lose one of our kinder teachers due to low class sizes. Of course, we all personally thought that 18 kids in a class was perfect, but, wishful thinking, ya know. ;) So we had to split up that class and we all added about 3 more kids apiece to sort of throw a wrench into the week.

The first week of kindergarten is EXHAUSTING! Any other kinder teachers agree? You have to repeat yourself a million times, teach them how to use everything from a glue stick to book baskets, and be as patient as possible with the sweet little friends. My kiddos this year love to talk... in the loudest voices possible... "inside voice" is going to be the key phrase for the year, I think.

I'll be back soon to share some of my beginning of the year activities!

1 comment:

  1. Amen to everything in your entire last paragraph! Thank goodness for a weekend to catch up on needed rest! ;) Look forward to your activities you'll be sharing.
    - Leslie
