Monday, July 23, 2012

Tell me more, Tell me more!! {Linky Party}

Hello friends! Today I am linking up with Amy Lemons for her "Tell me more!" linky party to share a little bit more about myself. Go check it out here to join in! It's fun learning about everyone's lives and interests. :)

1. I was born and raised in Arizona. FYI: It's HOT. But I can't imagine living anywhere else!

2. I am the oldest in my family, I have one younger brother. My family is super close and amazing.

3. Every few years my parents would save up and take us on these amazing cross-country road trips. We'd drive the entire way and I saw so many incredible places along the way. It made some of the best memories of our lives!

4. That being said, one of my favorite places to be is Disneyworld. I was fortunate enough to travel there with my family for 4 years in a row during my college years. It's so magical!

5. I played college basketball for 2 years in Nebraska on a full athletic scholarship. I never thought I would get the chance to play past high school, so it was a really cool experience. I played on the team that won its 10th straight conference championship.

6. My favorite, FAVORITE book is Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. She has 6 other books in the series which are equally as incredible and is currently writing the 8th book! But I have to wait till 2013 to read it (not fair). Any other Jamie/Claire fans out there?

7. My favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life, which also happens to star my favorite actor, Jimmy Stewart. I love old movies.

8. I am a Christian; and my relationship with God is one of the most important things in my life.

(graphic courtesy of Cara Carroll)

9. I am a HUGE sports fan, especially of hockey and baseball. I will cheer, win or lose, for my hometown Coyotes, Diamondbacks, Cardinals, Suns, and Arizona State Sun Devils. And... I will be the first person to turn on the game if it is on TV, probably before even any guy would get to it. Haha. I have gotten to witness many amazing feats in person at many of these sporting events!

(Me with one of my favorite players, Ian Kennedy (left) and Bryan Shaw.)

10. In keeping with the sports theme, I have the honor of saying that I have been CIRCLED WITH THE TELESTRATOR on TV during a D-backs game by one Mark Grace. My sign said, "I love it when Gracie reads promos!" It was referring to an inside joke the TV broadcasters had running at the time...

11. I love music. I sing on the worship team at my church. My favorite bands are Switchfoot, The Civil Wars, and Jars of Clay. Here's a fun pic with my favorite band ever! (Switchfoot)

12. I play a sport called pickleball. It has a silly name, but it is so much fun! I would best describe it as a cross between tennis, badminton, and ping pong. I've played in competitive tournaments and won gold, silver, and bronze medals!

Well, that's enough about me! Link up over at Step Into Second Grade to find out about more of your bloggy friends!


  1. Found you through the linky!! I am your newest follower. And I've nominated you for an award, swing by my page for more details!

    Miss Augustine's Kindergarten
