Monday, April 1, 2013

Currently April!

Hi, friends! I hope your Easter weekend was filled with fun, family, and lots of blessings! It's April 1st (what?) and time for Farley's "Currently"! As you read, I hope and pray for your students not to realize that it is April Fool's Day to save you all from, "Mrs/Mr ______, there's a bug on your shoulder... APRIL FOOL'S!" and other such statements. ;)

{Listening}: Switchfoot is my favorite band and has been for years! They are incredible.

{Loving}: Today is MLB Opening Day!! I'm going to the Arizona Diamondbacks game later tonight.. I love baseball and I'm so excited it's about to begin!

{Thinking}: I wanted to update my blog now because I won't have a chance later! It won't matter that I'm supposed to be at school in an hour, right?

{Wanting}: April Fool's... quite possibly a teacher's most annoying day at school? Haha. I'll let my kiddos get it all out at the beginning of the day so they can have their fun.. and then that will be the end of it!

{Needing}: I noticed that it is going to be in the 90s all week. Winter/Spring, we hardly knew ye.

{Advice}: I know sometimes it seems like teachers get more and more piled on with nothing taken away, and teachers have to deal with a lot while still putting their heart and soul into it! So when things get tough, as they always do at times, I like to remember why I started teaching in the first place, because I love learning and working with the kids and they matter so much! They make it all worth it!

Hope to see you all over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade! Have a great day!


  1. Enjoy the game tonight! I can't believe it's baseball season again already. Good luck with your warm (HOT?) weather!

    Craft of Teaching

    1. Thanks! It is warm for now but will quickly become HOT for a long, long time! :)

  2. Wish we had some HOT weather here! Have fun at the game!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  3. Our advice is almost exactly the same!! :) Too bad that you're at school on April Fool's...hopefully your kids forgot!! Luckily we're on spring break this week so I'm safe from goofy kindergarten "jokes" this year. Whew!!! Send some of that 90 degree weather this way if you're not ready for it. I need some sun & warmth this week!

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

    1. Oh lucky you! Our spring break was early this year. Enjoy yours!!

  4. I am a Twins fan, too, like the commenter above, but I definitely did not go to the game today because it was only 33 degrees here today! That's cold for April even in Minnesota! Enjoy your summery weather! Cute blog..I am now following you.

    Kindergarten Kel

    1. Yikes! Too cold for baseball! I've been to a game at the Metrodome (LONG ago) but I'd love to visit the beautiful new ballpark they have there!

  5. Thanks! I have family in Minnesota.. so I like the Twins, some, too!
