Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Little Shape Fun & Teacher Appreciation TPT SALE!

Happy Sunday friends! I've got a short little update on a couple of shape activities we did last week along with an exciting TPT announcement that I'm sure all of you have already heard about!

I wanted to go back and review shapes and attributes with my kiddos, so for a couple of days we went back and did some shape activities for identifying how many sides and vertices the shapes had. When I re-introduced the concept, I drew a bunch of shapes on the whiteboard and we practiced how to visually identify each of those attributes. To identify and count the vertices, we drew a dot at each corner. To identify and count the sides, we drew lines along each side. This way was so helpful for my students because it helped them keep track of the ones they already counted!

On day two we created our own shapes to practice identifying sides and vertices using a ball of yarn. I chose a bunch of students to hold and create a corner of the shape wherever they wanted to put it. Then I chose remaining kids to lay down underneath each "side" so that we could have a visual to count for how many we had. They loved this! They were so cute using their shape vocabulary as we were creating our new shapes, too. Squint your eyes closely to see our shape! The yarn kinda blends into the carpet. :)

After we practiced counting sides and vertices on our shape creations, we did this little activity sheet that one of my fabulous teammates made. They used highlighters to mark and count the sides and vertices, and then in the last box they had to create their own shape just like we did! The friend below made themselves a "tree" shape! They also had to identify whether the shapes had curved or straight edges.

We also did a few activities from my best-selling unit, Shapes Galore for the Common Core!

And great news! Teacher Appreciation Week is this week! TPT is throwing a huge sale May 7-8 where you can get up to 28% off your purchases by entering the code TAD13! And EVERY product in my little shop will be on sale! My wishlist has been piling up so I am super excited to get a few of those products I've been keeping my eye on too! Click on the picture below to go straight to my store!

 photo teachersale_zps6b3bff64.jpg
Thanks to Beth from Zip-a-Dee Designs for the super cute graphic!

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