Friday, June 14, 2013

Five for Friday {June 14}

I think this is the earliest in the day I have ever posted my Five for Friday entry... woohoo! Normally I'm just getting it shoved in at 10pm that night. So nice having Summer break! Link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching and join in! I love it cause it keeps me blogging even when there isn't really any school-related shenanigans going on... and it's fun to find out about more great blogs!

1. I got inspired to start working on some new units while I have tons of free time this summer - you know how it is once school starts, it's hard to find time to do anything! I just posted this new packet in my TPT store: Easy as ABC {Alphabet Activity Pack}! It has activities that are perfect for introducing letter concepts at the beginning of the year! It includes Trace, Write, Find, Cut activity sheets for every letter, 2 different sets of alphabet wall decor, ABC mini-books, flash cards, and more! Click on the preview picture below to check it out!

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2. I mentioned in my last Five for Friday post that my cousin was coming into town from the Air Force, well she's here (today is the day she leaves again, actually)! Once or twice a year, me, my two cousins, aunt, and my mom go on a huge all-day shopping trip... it's a fun tradition for us all to spend time together! Here's some of the fun stuff I found.. I was so excited to find some cute dresses at Target!

3. And speaking of shopping, I ventured out to Ikea one day this week! I love this store! So happy they built one here. I got some stuff for my kitchen, but also stuff for my classroom too! I think you can tell which 3 items go with my classroom... they're the stuff that's the most colorful! Haha! I got some great storage containers in the children's section along with a pack of plastic plates for my kitchen center.. 6 plates for $1.99! I also got some more round trivets for cork board crafting purposes. :)

4. Last night I had a game night/hang out with a bunch of friends and I was in charge of the dessert! So I busted out a recipe I've had pinned on Pinterest for awhile now, but have never made... Monster Cookies! I think they are originally from Paula Deen, but I got the recipe from Cara Carroll over at Pearls, Handcuffs, & Happy Hour (she's so amazing she has not one, but TWO fantastical blogs). They were delicious! In the words of one of my friends after tasting one, "These are the way God intended cookies to be made." Woah! Talk about my best cooking compliment ever! Haha!

5. Tomorrow morning I am going to see Man of Steel... I am so excited! The previews look AMAZING. I hope the movie lives up to the hype! And hello, actor who plays Superman that I don't know your name... that is one good looking man! ;)

Happy Friday, everyone!!

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