Friday, July 26, 2013

Classroom Organization and Labels FREEBIE!

Have cobwebs collected on this little blog yet? Things are always slow going in the summer, but the first day of school is inching closer which means I've been hard at work preparing stuff for this new school year! One of my goals for this summer was to completely organize my classroom from top to bottom, so I went in extra early this year and began the long process of purging, giving away, and re-organizing every little thing in my classroom. You know how things always get worse before they get better when it comes to cleaning? Well, that was me, to say the least. Talk about piles everywhere as I took everything out of shelves and cabinets. It's taken a few weeks, but I am pretty much COMPLETELY done! It is such a good feeling! I've got one more week left before school starts, so I feel so happy that I can just focus on lesson planning, prepping things for my new class, and getting things ready for meet the teacher night... and NOT cleaning!

One of the things I did to help myself get more organized was create classroom item labels for things in my room. I love how they turned out! Here's a picture of some of my labels in action:

And good news! I've put them as a freebie for you in my TPT store! And, because I love you, if you plan on using the labels and find that you need one made for items in your classroom that are not included in the file, just leave a little comment/question on the product page for me and I will update the file (within reason) with the label you need.

Click on the picture below to get your freebie labels with a chalkboard flair! Hopefully they will make you feel as newly organized as they did for me. :)

 photo ClassroomLabelscoverpage_zps1ad16802.png