Monday, August 4, 2014

TPT Back to School Sale! It's Finally Here!

Big news, if you haven't heard (or have been living under a rock)... the TPT Back to School Sale 2014 is ON! My entire TPT shop is on sale for 20% off and you can get an even bigger discount by using the promo code BTS14!
 Thanks to Krista Wallden for the great graphic!
I recently put 3 brand spankin' new products in my little shop...
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Here's a closer look at the CVC Sentence Snapshots pack... I just uploaded this product today! Click on the picture to take you straight to the product page in my TPT store.

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You'll also find my top 3 best selling products on sale! Just click the picture to go to my little TPT shop.
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Looking ahead to prep for the entire year? My students love using my monthly sentence building activities... it makes them feel like "big kids" to build and read sight word sentences on their own!

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PS: The price will go up when the October and November packs are added!
If you need a few ideas for back to school, look no further than these!
Counting Tools for Back to School {A Counting & Cardinality Activity Pack}
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Easy as ABC! {Alphabet Activity Pack} 
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Now, I'm off to clear a little space off of my little ol' wishlist! I have a feeling I am going to end up with a lot of new clip art sets and other fun activity packs to start my kinder kiddos' year off great! What are some products you've been eyeballing and waiting for the sale to arrive? Share them in the comments... I always love to hear about more great teaching tools!


  1. Just found your blog today & can't wait to look back in your archives! I'm your newest follower :)
    Looking forward to seeing pics of your classroom, too.

    Learning at the Teacher Table
