Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Currently December

Good morning! I cannot believe it is December already. I'm linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for this month's "Currently" party!

{Listening}: There is no band that I miss more than The Civil Wars. Amazing vocals, music, performances, everything... they ended too soon. :(

{Loving}: Okay, so I never watched Gilmore Girls when it was actually on TV, but I always kept hearing people rave and rave about how much they loved it. When I saw they added it to Netflix, I decided to try it... and LOVE! It's all I've been watching on the iPad before bed. It's great!

{Thinking}: My formal observation is this Friday. In December. Always risky business when kindergarteners began to get just a little too crazy excited about Christmas coming. Hopefully it all goes well!

{Wanting}: I've managed to find some deals on most of the Christmas gifts I've bought this year (and even a few goodies for myself), but I still have a lot of shopping to do... hopefully some of the gifts I've been eyeing for people will go even more on sale (I'm looking at you, Amazon).

{Needing}: I think I have about 10% space left on my DVR... I've got to sit down and watch, but who has time?! However, past episodes of Once Upon a Time, Sleepy Hollow, Revenge, and Gotham are calling my name...

{Giving}: I never actually posted about my two new holiday freebies on my blog... only on Instagram! I was watching a marathon of Hallmark holiday movies (you know you love them, too) and it inspired me to make a couple of new freebies in my TPT store: Do You Want to Build a Snowman {Writing Prompt Activity} and Sprinkles and Sight Words {Matching Game}! You can click here and here to download them!

I hope you'll link up and join in the fun! It's a great way to meet some new bloggers and learn a bit more about them!

In other news... there's still one more day to go in the huge TPT Cyber Sale! You can save 28% on all products in my store by using the code TPTCYBER! You'll find HM Journeys resources, sight word sentence builders, common core math packs, and more! I'm sure I will be adding a few last minute things to my cart before I check out... click on the picture below to go to my store!

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  1. Hi Caitlin! I found your blog through Farley's Currently blog hop :)
    You are so brave having a formal observation, in Kindergarten, before Christmas! I would be so nervous since it is such an exciting and hectic time; I hope you do awesome!

    Mrs T (Miss L)
    Miss L's Whole Brain Teaching

  2. Good luck finding deals for Christmas shopping, it is always great when we can save some money!
    Frampton's FUNdamentals

  3. I love Gilmore Girls! I have the entire box set :) Perfect for holiday binge watching. I'm also thinking about (and getting nervous for) my formal observation! Good luck!

    Glitter and Gradebooks

  4. What a coincidence on the full DVR! I just checked ours and we have 3% left! Lots of junk on there. Good luck on your observation!

    First Grade Stampede
