Wednesday, July 22, 2015

All About This Kinder Teacher {Kinder Tribe}

As a teacher-blogger, there are few things better than the opportunity to collaborate and connect with other teachers. And some may argue that Kindergarten teachers are an entirely different breed altogether... and I'd have to agree! Haha! That's why I was so excited to connect with fellow Kinder teachers as a part of the Kinder Tribe. They are hosting a linky called "All About This Kinder Teacher"... it's a great way to connect and find fellow kindergarten bloggers!

I'm Caitlin, and I've been teaching kindergarten for 6 years. I wasn't necessarily looking to get a teaching job in kinder when I graduated, but that's where I ended up... and totally fell in love with it! Here's a little peek into my Kinder life:

I totally couldn't live without a projector in my classroom. I use it ALL. THE. TIME. I show educational video clips, use interactive online games, model lessons on the document camera, have GoNoodle brain breaks, and more! It's such a useful tool, especially for young learners who are very visual and need to get the wiggles out often!

I have many school supplies I love, but my favorite ones to use are Flair Pens! I just love the way they write and they have so many fun colors to choose from. 

Only one other kind of pen has started to give them a run for its money... Inkjoy Pens! But the Flairs are still tops for me.

As for my favorite Kinder book, it is literally impossible to choose just one. Any number of books could have landed on the top of this list! I went with a series that is not only one of my favorites, but the kids' favorite too: The Pigeon books by Mo Willems.

These books totally crack me up. When I'm reading them, I pretend like the Pigeon is actually asking my students those questions, and they always get all into it and respond "NO!" every time he "asks" them to let him do something. So fun!

There are so many great Kindergarten blogs out there. My very favorite blog is The First Grade Parade, but since Cara's blog is technically K-1, I'll say that my favorite Kindergarten only blog is Mrs. Wills' Kindergarten. I swear, Deedee always comes up with the perfect kindergarten activities. I can't get enough of her math journal prompts and editable sight word RTI pack. And don't get me started on her reading/writing activities... every last one is amazing! It's like she reads my mind and comes up with the exact activity I want to use in my classroom. Love her!

Lastly, I love Kindergarten because...

They are SO excited about ALL things school!

We may have our work cut out for us at the beginning of the year (potty accidents, crying, runners, repeating instructions 5000x) but you can't deny a kindergartener's excitement for learning. They get so happy about anything you tell them - they get as excited over getting a brand new pencil as they would to go on a field trip! And boy, do they love you. They make it fun to come to work every day. I just LOVE working with this age!

I hope you'll link up with the Kinder Tribe to connect and find out more about fellow Kinder teachers! There are some great ones out there!


  1. I totally agree that it's so hard to choose a favorite children's book!! Children's literature is an obsession of mine and one of my favorite things about teaching kindergarten!! I love Flair pens too, they have definitely become a teacher Must Have!
    Thanks so much for sharing with us!

    Kindergarten Dragons

  2. The Pigeon is a big favorite in our class! He is so funny and stubborn!

    I never intended to be in kindergarten either. I cried when I found out I was getting some kindergarteners! But now I absolutely love it! Glad there are other crazies like me!

    Mrs. Garcia's Super Scholars!

  3. Hi Caitlin! So good to 'meet' you! We are big GoNoodle'ers' in my class as well. I look forward to reading more of your posts this upcoming school year!

  4. Hi Caitlin! So excited to meet you & be part of our new "kinder family"! I'm really looking forward to sharing & collaborating with you and our "tribe"! I love your blog! Yes, Mo Willems Rocks!!
    Annie Veas ~ The Learning Studio Bug :)

  5. Girl, I love me some flair pens! Love your blog and am so excited for our Kinder Tribe!!!! Thanks for linking up with us :)

  6. Found out about Kinder Tribe through you- thanks! I do believe kindergarten teachers are their own breed! :0)

  7. I read the pigeon books for the first time because of Deedee and Deanna's Guiding Readers unit and loved it! I'll have to check out more of the Mo Williams books since everyone keeps mentioning them!!

    A Pinch of Kinder
