Sunday, May 1, 2016

Currently May - The Last One!

It's May 1st (what?!) and I had a little extra time to spare on this Sunday evening, so I'm linking up with Farley at Oh Boy It's Farley for the last Currently linky EVER! Say it ain't so! It's been so fun linking up every so often and getting to know a little bit more about the amazing teacher bloggers in our community. It's had a great run!

{Listening}: The Pioneer Woman
If you didn't know this about me, here it is: I LOVE THE PIONEER WOMAN! She is my hero and I want to be her when I grow up. Ha! She's so funny and makes the best recipes! My DVR records multiple episodes so I like to put them on in the background while I'm working at home.

{Loving}: My Church!
I feel so blessed and lucky to go to the church I do. It's amazing, my pastor is awesome, and the people are incredible. I also sing in the band and get to play every few weeks or so - I get to sing with the most talented, loving people! It means the world to me.

{Thinking}: The End of the Year is Fast Approaching
I mean, really. Where did April even go? And March, for that matter? There are so many things to finish before the end of the year: Mother's Day gifts, assessments, observations, paperwork galore, and more. Our entire first grade is also putting on a huge musical show the second to last week of school, and we are knee deep in practicing as it comes closer! I work at an arts integration school, so it's a huge production! It's going to be so cute, but it's getting stressful as it gets closer making sure everything is ready!

{Wanting}: Clarity
This year was the first year I did NOT teach kindergarten - I moved to first grade, and I really liked it! However, there's a chance I could be in line for another grade change next year; and also a slim chance that I could teach kinder or stay in first again. It's kind of up in the air! It would be nice to get some sure clarity as to where I'm going to be, but I'm going to stay as patient as I can. (Deep in my heart, I hope I get to teach kinder again! It has my heart!).

{Needing}: Clear out the DVR!
When life gets busy (AKA, all the time), my DVR fills up so fast! Then, it's a race to watch things to avoid getting my storage space to zero... and believe me, it gets close often! Haha! My favorites to watch include Outlander, The Blacklist, Sleepy Hollow, Once Upon a Time, Nashville, and more! Oh, and also the occasional Hallmark movie (you know you love them too!!!!).

{Truth}: I'm tired.
So, this school year has been a really, really good one, but with lots of changes. I changed districts, schools, AND grades! Everything was new, which meant that I felt like a first year teacher again in a lot of ways. There were so many new things to figure out, the least of which was the teaching and lesson planning part of it. I have been working so hard with so many long hours. A lot of it has been very stressful just because I had to figure out how everything worked all over again. The great news is, I had a wonderful new school, supportive admin, and a great first grade team. That definitely helped ease the transition! But it's the reason I cannot WAIT till summer... just to get some "me" time again to recharge!

I hope you'll link up with us over at Farley's post that I linked near the top of this blog post. Gotta join in for the last one! The last day is almost here... you can make it!!!


  1. Oh man, I definitely wish you tons of clarity!

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

  2. I really understand about you being tired! This has been a stressful yet joyful year for me also. I pray that you get some rest over the summer.
    Love Teaching Kids

  3. I am definitely ready for summer too! I hope you get some time to yourself to relax and enjoy your time off this summer! :)

    -Ha :)
    Happy Days in First Grade

  4. So many of us have the same seems like it was quite a year for all of us!
