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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Fun with See and Build: Homophones!

So, I'm teaching second grade this year, and with that comes teaching many concepts either that, I've never taught before, or if I have, it's on a much deeper level. One week, upon looking at my curriculum framework, I saw that one week my students' spelling words were to be homophones. The tricky part about that is that my students were going to have to understand the word in the correct context of a sentence to know which word they were supposed to spell. This is easier said than done! So throughout the week, I knew I had to come up with multiple ways to practice homophone spellings and meanings in ways that would be meaningful to my students.

They love anything hands on - and since they were going to be spelling words for the week, I wanted to incorporate some sort of word building activity. I was having trouble finding too many resources to fit that skill, so I came up with my own!

I wanted to create an activity where my students had to do their own thinking, was hands-on, and also easily assessable so that I could tell who was still having trouble identifying and spelling the correct homophones.

I came up with an activity called See and Build: Homophones. I created a PDF with pictures of common homophone pairs. Then, I projected one slide on the smartboard.

The students had their own letters - enough for each word they'd be building - that they cut out and built on their own to attempt to spell the correct homophone.

My favorite thing about this activity is that it includes self-checking slides for students to check and fix their work! After students have a chance to build and spell the word, simply click to the next slide on the screen and the correct word will pop up! My students literally cheered as loud as they could if they spelled the word correctly. They loved it!

We kept going through 8 pairs of homophones and my students were totally engaged!

You can grab See and Build: Homophones by clicking on the picture below!

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